Friday, January 7, 2011

Almost over....

On Tuesday, my little Amelia will be 8 weeks old. I can't believe it has gone by so fast. This is my last day of maternity leave and I am really sad about it. I feel like I am just getting the hang of this and now we're going to change it up again. Amelia still seems too little to be away from me all day long. I know that her babysitter will be wonderful with her because I have had this conversation many times:

"Oh, you have to go back to work? Who is going to keep your baby?"
"Stephanie Goodman."
"She'll be fine. Stephanie is the best."

Those conversations make me feel better about the whole thing, but I am still sad that I cannot be the one who Amelia spends her days with.

To top all of this off, Zach is starting a new job on the 17th. It's a great opportunity and we are really excited about it, but it will require a LOT of traveling. Overnight traveling.... which means, Amelia and I will be on our own for weeks at a time. I know that we will miss him soo much while he is away, but this new job will open a lot of doors for our little family.

I know you've probably already seen them of Facebook, but here are a few shots of our first Christmas as a family:


  1. Jess - I have been meaning to write you. I keep thinking about you starting back to work on Monday. So if you don't mind here are my thoughts and hopefully a little encouragement for you. :)

    Its ok to feel sad about going back to work. Its ok to look forward to it too. I honestly felt guilty that I wasn't going to be the one who was spending each day all day with Avery. I was jealous of our sitter (who I do love!) and it took me a little while to let that go. Thankfully our sitter is thoughtful enough to send me pics of Avery every other day or so. I just love getting those. I won't say you get used to it, but leaving her with someone each day does get easier. Plus I LOVE the look on her face when I pick her up and she wants no one but me. Melt my heart! These next few weeks are going to be a big adjustment for you and Amelia but you can do it. You'll figure out the routine that works for you and you'll cherish those moments in the morning or at night even more. One thing that helped for me was to spend time with Avery right when we got home for the day, then I would start dinner later. After a few weeks I was able to get into a routine where I could start dinner then play with her. You'll figure out what works for you. Oh and my house did get put on the back burner for a few weeks so if that happens don't feel bad. You have other PRIORITIES! :) Being a working mommy isn't always the most ideal situation, but with a supportive husband and family, a great sitter, and grace you can make it work. Oh - and God had to listen to me vent on the way to work many days. Thank goodness! Love ya girl! You are going to do great at this. Keep in touch!

  2. Jessica,
    Rachel and I are in total agreement. God has to listen to me on the way to work too ;) It's really hard at first, but it does get easier. Especially when the minute I pick Ava up when I get home, she sees no one else but me for a while. Of course you know my housework gets put on the backburner a lot, so no judgement here ;) Rachel also sends me pics of Ava throughout the day and they cheer me up. You can do it
